WeHero February 2023 Newsletter

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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.


There are a lot of social impact days to be aware of, but maybe none are as important as the season of Earth Month! You thought the Super Bowl was big? Over 1 billion people from 193 countries are expected to participate in Earth Month this year.

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So cancel your Valentine's Day plans and get your green vibes going. This newsletter is dedicated to making sure earth month is a success for your company!

Let's dive in

1 // When should I start planning for Earth Month?

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Earth Month is one of the largest volunteer periods of the year. It is also is National Volunteer Month. In other words, it's going to be like trying to get tickets to a Taylor Swift concert this year. The sooner you can make plans with organizations and get your people registered the better!


2 // How can WeHero help?


Like Batman's sidekick, Robin, made fighting crime look easy, we're here to be your sidekick and meet your volunteer and engagement goals this earth month. We can be your thought partner or execute everything from A - Z.

Want some recommendations for volunteer experiences that we can execute for your team? Check these out!


Learn about the status of your local tree canopy, raise awareness, and of course… grow trees!

Learn More

Wine-to-Water (1)

Learn about the water crisis and build a filter that will give clean water to up to 12 people for 10 years.

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Make beeswax wraps, deliver reusable bottles to students, and learn about reducing your plastic waste!

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Reef Revolution

Learn about the importance of our coral reefs while making ocean-safe sunscreen!

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Grow hydroponic pollinators and build a habitat for bees while learning about the importance of regenerative agriculture.

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Compost Classic

Gain insight into the impact of food waste and the difference one person can make through composting.

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Learn about the history of wildfires, how climate change is stoking the flame, and how wildland firefighters are saving the day.

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Rise and Shine

Creating solar lights for children living in energy poverty, to help them to study after dusk and improve their education outcomes.

Learn More

3 // This WeHero 100 is as familiar as a bowl of chicken noodle soup

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This month we're excited to announce the addition of Campbell's to the WeHero 100. The WeHero 100 is a list of 100 of the best companies at social impact and employee engagement. A big congrats to Campbell's for all of their accomplishments. Want to learn about what makes them special? Read more.

See The WeHero 100


4 // Key dates to keep in mind

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Don't let these dates coming up in the next 3 months pass you by as you continue crushing your social impact goals!

World Water Day - March 22nd

Vietnam Veteran's Day - March 29th

National Volunteer Month - Month of April

Arab American Heritage Month - Month of April

World Health Day - April 7th

National Volunteer Week - April 17th-23rd

Earth Day - April 22nd

Women's Healthcare Month - Month of May

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - Month of May

Mental Health Awareness Month - Month of May

Clean Air Month - Month of May

National Nurses Day - May 6th

World Bee Day - May 20th

Memorial Day - May 31st

Pride Month - Month of June

World Environment Day - June 5th

World Oceans' Day - June 8th

Juneteenth - June 19th

World Refugee Day - June 20th

Keep track of all the social impact days that are important to your employees with our WeHero Impact Calendar!


Here's to making an impact

WeHero designs, plans, and executes corporate volunteer, team building, and employee engagement experiences that create social impact. Our team works to develop new programs to create better cultures, better brands, and a better world. Our mission: To build innovative experiences that empower organizations around the world to engage teams, connect employees, and maximize social impact.


The WeHero Team


The Writers

Andy VandenBerg
Andy VandenBerg is the co-founder and COO of WeHero where he works closely with hundreds of companies to help them reach their social impact goals. Andy speaks actively about the importance of aligning strategy with social responsibility and how companies can pursue both purpose and profit. Andy’s past experience includes private equity and family office investing. If he’s not in front of his computer, you can find him in the Pacific Ocean or Lake Michigan.
Ben Sampson
Ben Sampson is the co-founder and CEO of WeHero where he works closely with hundreds of companies to help them reach their social impact goals. Ben speaks actively about corporate social responsibility, volunteerism, sustainability, and how companies united with activism drive powerful change. Ben’s past experience includes leading product teams, building startups, and studying sustainable business strategy at Harvard. In his free time, he’s an avid outdoor enthusiast focused on skiing, surfing, and mountain biking.

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