The WeHero Select Partner Program

A new level of employee volunteerism and engagement.

Trusted by the best companies

Our annual volunteer and engagement program

WeHero Select is for companies serious about regularly engaging employees and reaching their social impact and engagement goals. Our industry experts help design your volunteer strategy and execute your experiences throughout the year.

Not to mention, WeHero Select clients get some pretty sweet benefits. 

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The select experience

All of WeHero with a power boost

We’ve spent years working with leading companies to optimize their current volunteer programs and design new programs that make employees, leaders and all stakeholders want to do more.

WeHero works as an extension of your team all year helping guide your volunteer strategy and executing events for your team.

Dedicated Experience Manager
Branded Client Portal
Priority Booking
Discounted Event Customization
Quarterly Strategy Sessions
Preferred Pricing
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Personalized for your goals and your company.

Build employee engagement and social impact intentionally with a personalized plan built specifically for your company.

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Next level experiences. Next level support.

Build employee engagement & volunteerism better with WeHero Select.